Went out to Causeway Point then to my auntie's house.
Then the elders pulled me aside and asked me to advise my cousin on her supposedly bgr, which is nearly non-existent. I believe I gave a frown, wondering how I should even bring it up to her. One, she's pretty resilient for someone her age, and two, I did not want to jeopardise anything dishing out not-so-perfect advice.
Besides, I didn't fare so well myself either.
If I like someone...
I'd most probably not tell anyone. Unless of cos' something happens and I desperately need help making a decision, if not, it'd be a secret tucked away in a corner.
I'd consider asking my aunt for the green light, (possibility near to 0). She'd always beat around the bush and give me weird answers, which always brings me to a ok-forget-it decision.
I'd think about him in very quiet and dull moments and waste time thinking about things that would never happen in a million years, but nearly always try to push everything out of my mind after a good shower.
I'd try to think of all his negative points (sour grapes mentality).
Finally, I'd just try to forget it and drop it altogether.why do I feel like I'm trying to psycho myself into forgetting. why doesn't STM work the way it should.... why can't some things be forgotten like how stuff are deleted from your electronic gadgets.But really, how are we going to know what's good for us and what's not if we don't even give it a go in the first place?
What doesn't kill you, just makes you stronger, ain't it?
Some joy, and frustration
Yesterday went out to Parkway Parade with grandma and aunt for lunch. Had this very humongous bowl of Mee Siam, and I told my aunt I only ate like $1 worth of that $3+ spent. Go figure how much I ate.
Shopped around the mall, which underwent a huge revamp, and they've got SoooO many shops there. Walked into Dorothy Perkins and Topshop. Saw some really nice outfits, and I bought this top from Dorothy, and only found out that it cost $49 when I reached home. =x Besides, they've got these gift cards in which you deposit any amount of money and they can be given as birthday gifts, allowing the receiver to spend on anything in the shop with the money in the card. Hey! I found the perfect birthday gift -hinthint- Wouldn't mind a Topshop/Dorothy Perkins gift card =D joyjoyjoy, I really like that top!
Proceeded to World of Sports cos' my aunt needed shoes for the trip. This particular salesperson drove 2 potential customers out, with nothing in their hands, one of which, of cos', was my aunt. He was pretty nonchalent and didn't look too eager to serve. My aunt simply left without even a word of thanks. Haha. They haven't any nice caps there. =(
Cabbed down to Compass Point to collect altered jeans from Giordano. Went to this sports shop i the hope that she'll get her shoes. While she busied herselves looking around, I went to see if they've got nicer caps. One really caught my eye, the one on this girl's head. Haiz. Saddened cos' I thought it was her own, I walked back to where my aunt and grandma were seated. Then, I noticed that price tag hanging over her head! I REALLY WANTED THAT CAP. Darn, she had it on her head the whole time she walked around looking for other caps. I didn't want to go to the counter with the same cap! She looked so smug with that cap on her head it pissed me off. BIG TIME. So after my aunt was done with her purchase, I went to 77th street, but there was nothing there. And seconds later, the last person I wanted to see strode in and started looking towards where the caps were shelved, where I was looking at as well. Felt quite bitchy then, and she didn't buy that PUMA cap on her head! Goddamnit.
That whole incident really got me MAD! And I just turned grouchy. Deep inside, I felt a monster growing, slowly but surely. And I'd imagined, if I see that girl ahead, I'd turn her into a person as small as Mario in SuperMario and kick and storm on her and squish her. Arghz. See, one of those moments I turn into a psychotic meanie when I'm super frustrated. Don't try me.
I forgot to mention about this dog and owner I saw on my way out on Sunday at a park.
The dog's so cute. It wasn't on leash but still obediently followed it's owner, who was walking way ahead of him. I was pretty amazed.
Next day, at the void deck, I saw this other owner and dog. I know this particular dog, took the same lift with it a few times before, and I'd always be the first one to get out of it. The dog's pretty harmless, but still... haha, I get a little scared if any dogs come within 30cm radius around me.
Mum drove me to piano yesterday. Looonnnnggg time since she last did. After lesson, I went all the way to J8, sat around at Mac's for less than half an hour, and then took a cab down to the service centre to collect her car. All that money spent on the bus and MRT trip, for less than half an hour....
Came home, lazed, and my aunt decided that we should start packing for the trip. Had some fun trying on all those winter gloves, hat and clothes. Figured that I haven't grown much since the last trip, seeing how I still can't see my fingers after putting on those jackets. I look lost in those big jackets, which can only mean that those small shoulders of mine have remained as it is. Haiz...
For the past few days...
I always look forward to the Sunday's Straits Times. One thick stack of Life! which always proves to be a good read, and this section called Gen Y (or is it Gen X or sth else?) in the main paper. 2 interesting topics last week, one on whether teachers should blog and the other on teenagers having multiple sex partners way before the legal age. Really shocked to learn that some have been living in this other secret life for years now, i.e. since they were 12? Unprotected sex! I just can't put my finger to that!....
Anw, went out with my parents for lunch, and later proceeded to Bugis Junction. Mum haven't stepped foot into that place for the longest time, and was wow-ed by the many many shops she saw there. Dumbfounded. Worst, we crossed the road to Bugis Street, which was just packed with people, lians, bengs and all. Had super sweet and yucky dessert there. Terribly high intake of sugar content in that bowl of Ice Kachang. Vowed never to buy anything from that hawker ever again.
Yesterday, went to the temples to pray to my ancestors. My first, cos' previously, at this time of the year, I'd be at school, a perfect excuse why I wouldn't need to accompany family to go ancestor-worshipping.
Yet, I was very interested in what was going around me yesterday at the temple. For the first time in so many years, I finally got to see how my grandparents' parents looked like. (by the photos on their urns of cos')
All in all, a fruitful day of worshipping yesterday. Will be going someplace else on Friday I think.
Afterwhich we made our way to Hg Point for lunch. Still the same old boring place, which explains why I haven't been there in a good thousand years, except that they'd renovated the food centre, which now offers a wide variety of fairly consumable food. Not too bad, not too bad...
Saw my alma mater's principal with the DM there. Guessed that they were there looking out for loitering students in the mall on the pretext of having lunch. Remembered how we always feared running into teachers at malls after school. Not-so-nice memories, shan't harp on it.
Came back and tried to help cook dinner. When I say "cook dinner", it means only to cut and chop some stuff. Apparently, they found me more to be a nuisance than a help, and my presence could only mean that we'd only have dinner in the wee hours of the night. So they chased me out of the kitchen after seeing how long I took to dice that piece of meat. "Hey, that piece was darn hard ok? And the knife probably wasn't sharp enough..." =x Whatever, they decided I'm better off vacuuming instead.
Did just that, and wasted the remaining hours of the day telev-ing.
I'm beginning to think I really might just remain a spinster. See...I can't cook, I'm VERY messy, I can sew (but it's really slipshod), I can't multi-task well (like what all mums do). -sigh- ohoh, and I'm such a tv-addict.
I blog-surf, then I see stuff, and I feel so...
-rolls eyes-
My cousins came over today, and we went crazy again, snapping away with my digital camera and my brother's handphone.
My room's in a
total mess again, and it really looks like a pig-sty, or, as my aunt put it, my room has seen the brutality of WWlll. I brought down books of photographs for them to look at, and they had a hell of a time playing with my webcam. My aunties joined in the fun too, and took turns staring at the lens.
I didn't vacuum nor mop the floor today, cos' the house was pretty crowded, and my brother dropped in for a really late dinner. His girlfriend called when he was halfway through his dinner, and some stuff that he said were some stuff I'd never hear him say to us. He was goddamn polite can?! Do all guys do that? -shakes head in disbelief- Ok, granted that he's trying to be a Mr Nice Guy, still.... I suppose everyone puts on a different mask infront of different groups of people.
I'm pretty bored. I still got jap homework that's not yet been touched, let alone attempted.
Someone, get me out of the house.
I wanted to wait till 9am to see how I fared for this sem's examinations.
But, I didn't know they'd sent it earlier via e-mail instead. So, when I received an e-mail in hotmail telling me that I've got mail in my student mail, I went to check it out.
Anyway, it's out on NPal as well. Why did they even bother telling us to log on to NPal at 9am when results would be released way before the time stated?
Anyway, I gotta thank my lucky stars for all the grades I saw. I hadn't expected any ADs, so no surprise there, seeing how I wasn't really well-prepared. It'd be nice to see that big fat AD there sometime, but heck la. I don't have any Cs! Lol, not even for econs! Teenie-weenie improvement there I suppose.
Of all the modules, I didn't hold high hopes for any, least of all the computing module, but what do you know? Haha... um, no, if you're wondering, it's not an AD la.
I'm a little off now. Got awoken by an sms at 7+, and I couldn't get back to sleep, thinking about results. Now, there's nothing to look forward to.
I don't know what to feel about my results, cos' frankly, I'm neither sad nor happy, I just feel nothing. Exactly how I felt when I got my results for O's.
Which reminds me, Steph once again said to me, on Wednesday on our way to VCH, how we just don't feel like studying after the Os. I believe I mentioned this somewhere in one of my entries.
Oh, and I forgot what my GPA was last semester, so I can't even do comparisons against this semester's. Is it an improvement, or deprovement? Haiya, and I can't find the result slip they sent via snail-mail the last time too, and the past results they kept in the NPal does not show the previous GPA....
So dog-tired from last night, I only pulled myself out of bed at around 11am. Even after having slept for like 11 hours I still felt groggy.
Kaleidoscope was okie. I still don't think putting 2 groups on one night rocks, given how it's gets so packed up like sardines in a can backstage. And having a 15 minute rehearsal at 3+pm sucks, cos' we aren't even performing till what, 8.45pm?!
The idea of having the band (especially percussion) to move all the instruments on stage in 10 minutes is just crazy, taking into consideration the fact that they had to get the instruments offstage after rehearsal just hours before.
Worst, imagine having to perform again tonight, adding in 2 other aesthetic groups. ...-thinks hard-
I think the graduating batch can't have it worst. No graduation song, unlike during Xinfony(s), and I simply cannot figure out why there was no school song last night. I really can't. In a nutshell, I don't tend towards this whole concert.
Nonetheless, I had fun. Went to Marina Square for window shopping and dinner and there was a fashion show going on at the newly-opened Puma shop. Saw leggy female models and suave male models with deep-set eyes. Stupid talks about this particular poster at Yoshinoya, and it was downright dumb. And we talked about vegetables, though I was pretty switched off for the most part of it cos' I was getting real tired. This always happens before a performance.
The hours flew past quickly and we then headed to the washroom at the Esplanade to change. And horror of horrors, I saw my tutor there. =x But, nevermind about that. The lightings inside were pretty bad though, and we had problems checking if the foundation on our faces were even or not. Haha. Took some photos of our reflection in the mirrors in the restrooms and it was pretty weird. Went out to the open area to "catch some merlion's water" -rolls eyes- I wouldn't have believed it if I did not actually see tourists doing that hours before, and now it was our turn. -dots-
Back at VCH, Steph got so worried and anxious when she couldn't find her paperbag. After rummaging through some tens of bags, LY and RF said they found it outside where she last left it. And as we waited at the dining area, it started to get pretty warm. Played with cameras there and chilled out for a bit before we got ready to go onstage.
It was a little screwed, but what the heck. And Rf teared. -Poorthing! I'll play my webcam with you if you're still unhappy k? Haha. Btw, looks like his sms was meant for you instead and not me =)- Inspite of that, I'm pretty proud of the fact that it was an All-Girl-Percussion I played in last night, except for Biing Yih =)
As we turned to face the audience before getting offstage, I actually spotted Rennie in the audience. Haha. One of the very rare times I actually see people I know from onstage.
People injured themselves last night, most probably cos' of the narrow steps at the theatre. One fell down the steps right before us and we just gasped. For a moment, she couldn't pick herself up, probably had her legs caught in the stand she had with her. -ouch!- must have hurt big time cos' she landed head first I think. Yikes.
Anyway, then, something not so nice happened, and we got pretty pissed. Ok, make that VERY PISSED. The nerve of that girl!
So we left VCH, taking more pictures on the way to the mrt Station, with my mismatched footwear....
2 days ago, I watched SpiderMan 2 on HBO, and I realised I quite like the kind of look that Tobey Maguire has. I think I'll like that kind of look in a guy, and I think he looks cute with spectacles!
Blogger's getting cranky again, can't upload his picture now. Probably will try uploading it again in another entry. Anyway, for now, he rocks! Haha...
Yesterday at Hougang Mall, I saw this guy whom I had a huge crush on when I was in Kindergarten. He hasn't changed much, still as dark as before, and he looks the same!
Except that he's grown very much taller... Weird seeing someone I haven't seen in, what, 6 years?
And I heard the song "Only Heaven Knows" in the mall yesterday, it was so nice nice nice!!! Now I'm tempted to buy Weilian's cd, cos' I think it's got a pretty good songs inside.
Today, I went cycling. Again, like the last time we went to Sentosa, the sky was dark and black clouds loomed over our heads. That was so depressing! Luckily, we were allowed to cycle for about an hour before big fat droplets of rain fell upon us.
Then we proceeded to the airport via mrt! My first, yes I know I'm such a suaku. But whatever. I was gazing around in awe when the train pulled into the station! OMG! Is this really the Changi Airport I've come to know all these years?! It's so different, and the airport is definitely undergoing this major overhaul that is gonna benefit so many of us in the many years to come. Sherlin wanted to go see the aeroplanes and so we went to the viewing gallery. SJ wanted to take the sky train, and we did just that too!
It was fun fun fun and we took pictures. Hee....=)
I Miss You
Blink 182
I Miss You
(I miss you, I miss you)
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
We'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends
(I miss you, I miss you)
(I miss you, I miss you)
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)
(I miss you, I miss you) [x4]
All that talk and gossiping about matters of the heart yesterday got me pretty intrigued, and I was still thinking about stuff before turning in for the night.
RF's right. When it comes to matters like such, one can't really do much about it, especially if you're more the passive than the active (which I presume most girls are) and thinking and mulling over them won't help, one-bit, not unless you take the intiative of course.
Well, but who can say so for sure, given the 'modern' people we are now, seeing how girls are gradually gaining a foothold in this society, you would think that people are more open and receptive to the idea of having the girls do the confession bit, making the first step.
Hm, maybe it's just me, but somehow, I'd rather the girls stay meek on this one, and let the guys do the talking. Nothing against those who are all for making their feelings known, but I think I'd rather risk staying single. -I'm still young ok, and perhaps a teeny-weeny bit naive at times, on the verge of being called stupid- =s
What crap.
Another random thought, would you girls rather your guy left someone for another man/woman?
Cos' I'm thinking if your guy left someone for another man, it'd be easier for you to let go, knowing that he's gay, wouldn't it?
Darn, warped reasoning.
I can be such a truckload full of rubbish at times.
Baked Rice makes me happy!
BY cancelled going to school last-minute cos' her mum needed her to do something that's pretty urgent.
Went out with Fang today and headed for J8, cos' she suggested it. She deeply regretted it later, and we had Swensens' instead of Sakae. Not too bad a choice too, and I had Fang as a big sister making the orders and stuff. Woohoo~ With some other friends, I'd probably be acting like her instead.
Nanny Mcphee was nice nice nice! Pretty hilarious and I just love the way Emma Thompson played the role of the Nanny. I got kicked in the knee by this little boy in the theatre and it hurt. As usual, the drink that came along with the Jumbo Hotdog Combo was barely touched, and we just disposed of it after the show. Waste of money. But that's what I always do.
I quite enjoyed practice today and, for the first time, I saw the juniors! Lol! What attributed to enjoyment today was partly the fact that I could sort of play properly (at least better than last week), and maybe the Chicken Baked Rice at Swensen's made me happy! Haha.
My parents were surprised that I like eating baked rice, given that they didn't like cheesy food, but it's delicious (at least to me) and yes, I really like it!
RF, next time we must must go Sakae ok?! Haha.
My treasure trove (1)
I decided to pack my 2 drawers yesterday. It took me one whole day to pack because I packed pretty slowly. Memories were evoked and if anyone else was in the room, they might have fled seeing how I was laughing to myself just reliving some past moments. Lol.
Some interesting stuff I found and I decided that the camera would come in handy =)

On the extreme left's this handphone strap (the long kind) which I bought and it never saw what was outside the drawer it was kept in, let alone used. I bought it 3/4 years ago, because there was a class barbeque and I wanted to keep my hands free when I cycle (if I did) Alas, I didn't even turn up for the barbeque, and it's still collecting dust at home cos' now I find it too childish (note the Pucca cartoon or something)
Next to it's my NYPF 03 'ID'. One of the best camps I've ever attended. Group 2 rocks! (not that the others don't) Literally 'breathed music' in those days at camp, cos' it was mechanically 'eat, sleep, play percussion' kind of lifestyle. We found this strap pretty irritating back then and would flip it to our backs when playing cos' it got into our way. The colours on the edges of the paper inside got washed out cos' I got it wet while washing hands I think.
The 2 photo calenders you see beside it were used as advertisements for band concerts in 2003. One's from my school and the other from our conductress' other school band. I found it pretty cool and interesting, my face looks darn pale in that and I don't know why. Haha. I vaguely remembered thinking, why was their photo taken at the Istana and ours at our school? Haha..

-Ahem!- Pardon those short pudgy fingers as I present to you my 3 rings! The first and second from the left were bought from a shop at Junction 8 when I was in primary 2, I think. I loved that shop, it sold many cute cute stuff! Haha. Ok, and see that last ring there (the one in blue?) That's a Polly Pocket ring, and the miniature figurine can be removed from the ring, so that we can play with it or something. I don't think that has a house (as most Polly Pockets do). Polly Pocket was one of my favourite toys, with all the different houses, I think I have a bag of them stashed away at some corner of my house. Lol~!

See those? I've not seen them in years! That black necklace with cubes of alphabets on it were the "in"thing back then, and I was so estatic when Grandma offered to buy it for me =D The bracelet with 2 bells was what I had on my leg when I was a toddler I think (I can't really remember) and there's no way I can fit that in now because there isn't a single hook that I can unhook to permit that. That green ring with a bumblebee picture's a toy ring. I think that came along with a bag of goodies that my aunt had prepared for us at my cousin's birthday party. That last necklace there with a Hello Kitty pendant was a gift from my primary school classmate (someone whose company was a nightmare to me then) It was a parting gift before graduating from primary school and it had been a pleasant surprise. I don't think that gift's cheap and if you'd noticed, that's a saggitarian Hello Kitty ;)

This keychain was 'love-at-first-sight'. I can't remember if I'd bought it myself while on a school choir trip to Sarawak or if it was my aunt who bought it for me while on a trip to somewhere else. But this sparkly bear caught my eye. I JUST had to have it. It's not swarovski (or is it swarvoski?) by the way. I've kept it pretty well, the limbs still intact and nothing chipped off. Cute bears of any kind are welcomed (except HUMAN ones, I think only RF and some others will know what I mean) -rolls eyes- Which reminds me, 2 years back on my birthday, Carol and company came up with this 'Bear Theme' for my presents. Coincidentally, Linnette and gang used the same theme as well. Bears bears bears... I haven't unwrapped the 2 soft toy bears yet actually =x
I've still got a few more items actually, but this has been a really long post.
I shall keep it for another post. Haha.
Last night, I read Steph's blog (Ng, not Soo) and she had a very sad post there. Seconds before, I visited her blog, and apparently it's gone. Hm, that post was very sad and I nearly cried reading it. Cos' I could relate to it, in a way. =x Alright, shall cease talking about unhappy stuff.
Today, I went to KBox, with Sher, Stephie and SJ (note all the Ss)
I was late, again, and upon reaching, SJ asked if I put on makeup. -thinks hard- I just got tanned from swimming yesterday, and my cheeks were a little red, maybe that's why. And no, I don't put makeup, at least for now. Haha, cos' I most probably would need to in the future -winks-
Had a ball of a time laughing and freezing in the room. I stupidly wore sphagetti there and didn't even bother bringing a sweater. We initially wanted to take the 2-7pm slot, don't know what transpired, and we ended up with the 5pm slot. We had so much fun that when 5pm was nearly up, we extended the session to 7pm instead and ended up paying $7 + more. I'm pretty confused by the system, but ya, we stayed on to 7pm and those guys had to get us out of the room.
Something happened to my contact lens in the left eye, and I got a little scared. Fortunately, i brought my glasses! Haha, and so in front of the girls I removed my lenses and put it on the table. Sherlin and Stephie expressed shock over my putting lenses on the table, but later realised that mine were disposables after I told them so. Lol~ I'd thought they knew all along!
The music videos for the english songs were terrible and horrendous. -yawns- And you wonder why most choose to sing chinese songs instead of english songs at KBox....
Sherlin kept complaining she was hungry but I don't think she finished any of the snacks, haha, and I wasted one whole glass of ice lemon tea worth $6+ cos' we had to order an extra drink each in order to extend the session to 7pm. Hmmm, don't bother asking me about how they count the rates there, I might have contradicted myself somewhere in this entry with regards to it, but, to heck with it.
Yup, so it was fun, and tiring, though luckily, I'm spared from the sore throat, for now. =)
I finally went swimming today. Since the school holidays have started, it was pretty crowded everywhere, and I'm so rusty. Felt pretty breathless swimming to last than half the length of the pool.
SB couldn't join us, she's been kept busy at work. Had Linn for company, and I wore my Crocs! Yes, my RED Crocs! Linn expressed dislike for them, haha, and said my clothes didn't match. =x It wasn't supposed to.
I supposed a number did stare at my Crocs. Lol~ but, they're really quite comfortable. Oh, and I finally got to wear my swimming costume too! Haha. It has this big hole at the back and now I've got a dark circle on my back. Got a little tanned, and I quite like it, though it's not very obvious.
So we took a shower after swimming, and I'd brought this sample packet of body shower cream (those that comes in mags) and dove hair shampoo (those small bottles kind). In the shower, I couldn't tear open that body shower cream packet, and so I borrowed Linn's. Turned out, she didn't have shampoo with her either. We did an exchange, which I found pretty amusing.
Got fries from the complex, pippin' hot and NOT soggy. Thick and salty. Haha.
Headed to Hougang Mall, and at the bus interchange, these 2 guys approached us, darn, with surveys.
They started making small talk (one asked if my Crocs were comfortable) and started their whole crap on savings. They kept harping on how small I looked, and how I appear more to be a primary/secondary school kid rather than someone from a polytechnic. I was this close to telling them "Get a Life!" but figured I'd better not. One of them even touched my head, and said something about it, which I couldn't really make out. I swore I looked disinterested the whole time, why couldn't they go figure?!
Let me recall the questions/remarks (STUPID), or rather VERY IRRELEVANT, he asked:
-are those Crocs comfortable?
-have many people asked if you're from primary/secondary school?
-why are you so shy?
-ehhh, be more responsive leh, we like duck and chicken leh. -pause- you know, like I'm playing the guitar and you're the cow? (wth)
-you're very rich hor?
-you're like a little girl leh, cute cute one, (or something to the extent)
-i know i'm lame la (after cracking a not-very-funny joke)
-why you all go swimming not tanned one huh?
-you like algae ah? (applicable only to Linn cos' that's what the guy asked after seeing her green nail polish
In a nutshell, those 2 were pretty crappy. My eyes rolled throughout the whole session.
Things got better as Linn bought her chocolate milkshake from Mac's and the chicken, and we proceeded home after taking neoprints.
I looked like I had my hair dyed in the neoprints by the way. Interesting day.
I'm such a messy person.
My table's in a mess now, I haven't packed for swimming later.
I'm sitting amongst a heap of mess. Let's see what I've got on my table now...
-2 water bottles (one empty, one half-empty)
-3 tupperware containers (one empty, other 2 filled with crackers and...pineapple tarts!?)
-SD1 sticks and black music file
-plastic bag with envelopes
-my morning coffee cup
-2 magazines (elle and teens)
And before I cleared some other stuff off my table to allow access to my laptop, I've even got
-2 clothes hangers
-a bag (newly purchased yesterday)
-and photo albums
I'm VERY messy, aren't I? Little wonder why I always raise my eyebrows when people tell me that they THINK I'm organised and neat. You get the picture now don't you? Or do you want evidence? Pity my camera's battery's dead flat....
My aunt and mum harps on the fact that when I get married, years down the road, my house will be a messy one. They even joked that my husband will divorce me, for being such an unkempt person.
Uh, I think they were thinking a bit too far. I kindly attibuted that to genes, and mum will give me one of her "cold icy stares".
-thinks hard-
Say, I did forget to add that in as one of the points for being a perfect lover eh?
That he should be one who knows how to do chores. Yes, I ever told them I shall find one who knows how to pack around in the house.
Darn, I think all the guys will shun me after reading this. =x
I woke up at 9+ today, a first since the start of my holidays, cos' I never seem to sleep past 8am, till today that is.
Went back to alumni last night, and they got a cake for Daniel, whose birthday is today. It was an odd-looking cake (the chocolate syrup looked like mud). I later got to know that it was a self-made cake using pandan cake. -scringes- It must have tasted pretty horrendous. So they very kindly smashed the cake with his face, and yes, he complained that it tasted weird.
Another cake was then brought in halfway through rehearsals, and they switched off the lights and stuff. Reminds me of my birthday at NYPF. Haha. Ok, let's just drop it cos' I didn't even know whether my birthday cake tasted nice or not.
So, Prince of Egypt turned out to be a little tricky, especially at the fast part. And the other song gets me running to instruments like a busy bee. =x Cheated on the four mallets part a little, cos' I really weren't in the mood to sight-read properly. Played through the song like twice before I realised I missed out the bass clef and played that few bars in the treble clef. No wonder it sounded so out of place.
I brought home Prince of Egypt, only to realise that I should have brought home the other as well. What a goondu head!
Found RF's hair bright =s and Carol was all red and white. Haha, I told her she looked like she dressed up for National Day and she suggested climbing up the flagpole. Haha...
Today, SPU'S new snares are here, and I got to use them! Lol. Damien said we were smart to use the new ones when there were old ones lined up next to them on the floor. Hmm, but frankly, it wasn't intentional. =x
My drum roll using the traditional grip sucked, but nonetheless it was fun. And hearing the piece with all the groups (snares, cymbals, bass, toms) got me excited. Aisyah's 'idea' to do a 'rim' 'inspired' Damien to add that in to the actual piece and ya, I'm working on it.=)
Will be adding in the 'stickworks' or (is it called something else instead) soon, but that's after we master the piece, I think. Just the resting position and the 'preparing position' got us tickled. By the way, it was an all-girl session today, with the exception of Damien, and 6 snares made us half-deaf.
Initially, I went for SPU rather reluctantly today, cos' the weather just wasn't exactly nice. But apparently, things I do not look forward to ends up rather enjoyable and ok, and vice-versa. Does it happen to you too?
TAGGED! ; Crocs
THANKS AH BAOYI FOR TAGGING ME. Tagging someone sounds like you've just priced someone like how you tag items, like just attach a price tag to something in the departmental stores. But whatever, now that I've been tagged, I shall be nice and work my part of it.
Saw that Ben Adams picture and thought that it's necessary to put a picture of someone up there. Just realised that it's not. Saves the trouble, cos' then I don't need to crack my skull over whose picture to put up there. 8 points...8 points....
Here goes: My 8 points of a perfect lover (Gender: Male [duh, I'm STRAIGHT. Haven't I got that across already?!])
1. He must at least be average-looking, or rather, someone I can bear looking at, without puking, or making my head turn in other direction except at him. Doesn't need to be very much taller than me, but not too short either.
2. I'd like someone who is musically-inclined, preferably better than me at something I know (piano/perc) so that he could teach me how to better it. Being able to sing would be a plus point. =)
3. He musn't smoke, but is allowed to stake stuff at the tables once in a while (NO Obssessive gambling though), and must be able to drink, so that he won't get dead drunk. If he can't hold his liquor, ABSTAIN from it. Haha...
4. Best if he can read my thoughts without me having to spell them out. A listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on, just want someone to be there for me. Haha...
5. Someone who has a wicked sense of humor, who rebutts me in the rudest way possible, and yet, be the most sensitive guy there is when the need arises.
6. Someone who laughs at my lame/stupid jokes, and tell me what a silly girl I am at times, or that there's nothing wrong with being a bitch at times.
7. Somone who doesn't cling on to me 24/7
8. Someone I feel comfortable with.
So there you go. That's probably the 8 points out of a million, but the essentials are there, I guess.
Now that I've been drained of brain juices, I still need to think of 8 others to tag. Darn.
The following people tagged has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this 'game' and leave a comment on....
-aiya, ignore the 8 victimes part-
I'll only kindly tag 4?
-Stephanie Ng (not Soo)
Alright, I didn't come online to be tagged you know...
Plans for today:
Compass with Linn to buy her swimming costume
I don't know why she's asking me to turn up earlier to practise the rhythms, but I suppose if she's done so, it must be pretty tough. And, I'm praying.
Chanced upon this article of pointers on how to wear Crocs without looking like a dork. What a heaven-sent, needed that one pretty badly. My
RED Crocs are collecting dust in the shoe cabinet.
I'm Back!

Look at what I've got to do to the bathroom windows just so that the painters won't be able to peek in or stuff (cos' they actually CAN look in our rooms and bathrooms)
I'm currently on my laptop in my room, facing a wall of white blocks, because that's how they literally look like from what I see it. Painting is going on around in this area, and it's caused some inconveniece to everyone in one way or another.
See that picture? I actually fear for their safety seeing how that thing they're standing in rocks each time they work. Freaky.

If anything, I'm back at blogspot (temp/for good?). Easyjournal like died on me or something, and I'm super pissed. The irony...
I was out with Aisyah yesterday after postponing it for a few times. Couldn't help but bawl with laughter at her antics and everything about her is so frightfully amusing! Got to know her more as a friend than just the other girl in SPU. She actually taught herself how to play the set. Is that extremely cool or what?!
Somehow, the words 'Final Destination 3' tipped out from my gap, and she bought the tickets for that. I dreaded the moment when the lights dimmed in the theatre and I dare say it was one of my worst moments ever in movie-watching. Their deaths were utterly gruesome and grotesque, and my insides flipped and churned. The gist of the story wasn't that refreshing, typical "look-at-photo-and-predict-your-death" kind. It proved to be a pretty good time-killer though.
After the movie, we made our way to Centrepoint. As we came to the traffic light, this woman from Create Talents approached us and proceeded to ramble on about modelling or something. -shrugs- I believed I had this blank look on my face as she continued to ask for our particulars. The whole time, I gave Aisyah this "are-you-sure-about-this?" stare and she spontaneously provided her details and contact number. I followed suit, albeit reluctantly. I stole a look at her list of details and noticed that, including us, she's only managed to get like, what, 4 people? It's pretty pathetic, but I don't think these people have it easy.
Before parting ways, she gave us her name card, which I hurriedly stashed away in my bag, without a second glance at it. Made a mental note to store that number in my handphone and to have it named as 'Do Not Pick Up'. >.<
I'm bad, aren't I?
Back at home, I got pretty spooked out, thanks to the after-effects of the show. And for once, I'm glad that 'Top Model' was only on for 30 minutes last night, allowing me to turn in for the night before 12am. As I tucked myself into bed, the grisly scenes replayed in my mind, and I seeked cover from my blankie for warmth. Didn't help much, and tossed a little before I finally slept. Silly me. =x
-edited- 430pm
Swimming tomorrow is off. Saw it coming, cos' I was pretty excited and looking forward to tomorrow. Somehow, things I look forward to (very much) turns out boring, or never even happens. Why must it be so?!