CHEERS CLASS OF 2008!It wasn't sheer luck that got us through 3 years.
Watching the videos yesterday reminded me of how fearful I was attending Gopalan's lessons, how dreadful it was logging into NPal with tons of assignments to complete and dreadful TurnItIn(s). I see Yap and I thought of attachment, and seeing William and Annie reminded me of mind boggling accounting questions.
And, I really can't thank Stephie enough, for all the reminders. She's almost like my PA to a certain extent.

and damp scrolls are fine by me. It's almost like "kiam chai" already, just not salty enough.
I'm going to miss each of you.
Thank you for all the wonderful memories we shared as teammates, classmates, confidantes, friends.
-more pics to be up if I'm feeling diligent. on another note, i might just dump everything into facebook-
I stared at the gown and I still think it's kinda huge.
I look so lost in it, to the extent of looking ridiculous.
But they say it's ok, and it's supposed to be like that, so fine.
Now, I'm contemplating which heels to wear on that day. Both are black, covered, and one's higher than the other.
I'd have chosen the shorter ones to not make a spectacle of myself when I go on stage. Unfortunately, it's not as comfortable as the higher pair.
But again, I broke the higher ones once and the only thing that's holding it together is only superglue.
>.< HOW?
Met Linn for HSS Tea Party ytd @ Marriott. In 30 min, the prof was done with his speech. Hung around for a while and left for Kino along with Jasmine (whom we met at the tea party).
Saw LCM with Syaheed (whom I haven't seen in years) and did a bit of catching up. It was indeed quite shocking seeing my primary school classmate sporting a goatee/beard of some sort. Hahaha!
When the catching up was about done, Ying Ying chugged along and let out a not-so-little scream. Saw her with -ahem- again, (I'm so going to tease her about it) and Linn joined in for our little chat. I swore people were staring, when Ying Ying turned slightly hysterical.
Thereafter, I went to look up Mrs Soon at her workplace with Linn for our ice-cream treats. :)
I only realised how stressful driving is for the first time today. I think it's the instructor that made me stressed. >.<
Yesterday was a blast. =)
On my way there in the train, there was this group of female percussionists yakking on and on about the guys they've met on their band exchanges.
Reminds me of US, back then, all naive with (or without) childlike innocence. HAHAHA!
Amongst all that excited chattering, this one passing remark was one I couldn't pass up.
"80% of the guys who join band are gays. But if they're from a guys' school, then it's different."I wonder what the reactions of the guys I previously knew from my school band would be like if they read that. But it got me thinking a while and that bit of eavesdropping revoked memories. Pretty good entertainment for a journey from AMK to JE while without my mp3.
At the party, there'd been much laughter, and screaming (kudos to Ying2), and a few wild rounds of SNAP! that resulted in a slight sprain on my finger.
We saw the volks-beetle that surfaced in the form of a cake which had 180508 as its car plate #.
Our eyes popped seeing bday girl in the least amount of fabric we've seen her in in all of our 3 years as girlfriends. I'd think the phrase 破天荒 aptly describes the sight that greeted us.
Good food, good company; I believe Stephie had a memorable night :)
I've been waiting for the appeal to start.
And now that I'm logged in, looking at the screen, I can't even begin typing my reason for appeal all in 50 words.
I think of my prospects as an Accts grad vs. a Psych grad. And it's giving me a big headache.
My current job's giving me nightmares, really.
Tough call.
Anyway, I was at work and my mum sent me an sms:
"Zhen. I observed that _______ is better looking than the one who just came back from china! Dnt miss!"
=.= I stared at that sms for a while, and couldn't stop laughing.
Anyway, I did a quick comparison between _______ and "china one" and I think "china" wins leh. But maybe _____ 's better looking in person than in pics. =x
the ultimate.
Linn's off to Taiwan! I hope she has a great time there :)
The weekends were great! I foresee many many many fantastic weekends ahead!!!
Work's still sameol'sameol'.
I'm gonna have a lonnnnnng weekend. Ahahahaha!!!!
Ok, gotta go sleep.
I talked to a stranger online just minutes ago.
We had a pretty long convo for almost-complete strangers (I say "almost-complete" because he's not a complete stranger. We've been talking online on-off for a while since, last year?)
I think sometimes, I piss my senior off slightly with my poor memory. Haha.
Ok, it's late. I got to sleep.
We massacred songs @ k ytd.
Duets were horrible as usual. We set goals - to sing proper duets for our next sessions. Those who can't will, um, do a forfeit of some sort. hohoho.
I just realised they had, what they call, "student price" at k too. =.= I feel cheated.
Yes, I've joyfully neglected the benefits we students get and stupidly paid about 7 bucks more for each session before ytd's.
Nonetheless, I had a fantabulous time with them. :)
My weekends are filled with programmes. Vair good.
I always pray that the weekdays fly and weekends, just a teenie-bit longer.
I don't feel like a 20-year-old.
Labour Day this year was fun :)
It was a wise last-minute decision made to meet up for lunch. I enjoyed myself thoroughly.
We had a mad session of cam-whoring, which was quite a shock. Anyway, it was a much needed break from the monotony of work, so thank you Stephie and Ying2!
It's getting solemn at work because there's been talk that so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so are leaving. Not on baseless grounds though; it's affirmative. So yes, we'll be saying our goodbye.s very very soon. It sucks because I just got to know each of them a little better and was starting to enjoy working with them despite the never-ending workload. I can't bail out now because my 3 months ain't up AND, I think she'll be a complete wreck taking it all on her own.
I foresee more hair-pulling days ahead. ohno.
sundayyyysundayyyy! :))