"There is a wonderful ancient Western tradition that allows a woman to propose to a man.But, only on 29 February.Only once every four years, in a Leap year."Seeing it in words make it seem so, fairy-tale like and fantasizing, don't you think?
excuse me while I go fix a date to go watch The Leap Years! :)
After a month long break (well, nearly), I'm back at work!!!
It's back to stifling office wear, sandwiching in trains and more stress.
First day at work and a tremor was felt =.= Thought it was just me, going groggy from staring too hard at the desktop. My new colleague thought she was fainting from hunger having skipped lunch.
Met SJ for lunch and had Mac's. Salty fries.
Today was horrible cuz there was SOOO much to learn. Information overload. My head ached a bit after that. =(
I notice she does look like his girlfriend. But she's nice :)
Decided to unwind with a bit of music on the train home and my mp3 died on me. OMGawd. And I have no idea if it's being charged now cuz I plugged that port in and I didn't hear any
"tee-do" sound; the one which usually indicates something's being plugged into my lapt.
Lunched with the team today. It was a
silent lunch.
First half of the day I had so much free time on my hands I think I browsed through every section of the co's website. And I realised - my passing out twice (once when I was very little; and the 2nd not TOO long ago... =/) might be something like, epilepsy? In my case, it happens when a bad fever comes up. Not driving at anything... But, I just found it interesting...
My little, and a-little-sharp-at-the-corner-toenail at my little toe got squished so hard in my pointy-head heels that it dug so deep into the toe next to it and made it bleed.
Phew, what a mouthful! Haha...
I'm can't check my email....TSK! So irritated.
Gotta hit the sack soon!
I just created a new wawa on viwawa. It's my alterego wawa :) And my past mornings have all been spent playing wahjong. Tsk! After so many games, I still get confused. Good thing it's got artificial intelligence, as with all other IT, so it allows me to see what I can "PONG!" or "chi".
Yesterday was the mass wedding event outside the Hokkein Huay Kuan. My grampies had really strong family support because short of 3 people, the rest of us all turned up. Everyone turned up smartly dressed; the girls in dresses, and guys with ties. My brother looked like one half of a couple with his tie and vest. =.=
Despite the intial shock, (because of the venue, and seeing how we were all DAMN overdressed), I did enjoy being there. We cheered wildly when they walked down the aisle again, along with 38 other couples and took truckloads of photos (it's extreme, the no. of photos). Well, again, I think it'll be all on facebook, unless I get the photos soon. We have this group in Facebook called "We eat, play and grow fat at 245". Lol! That's a family group. So go take a look if you're interested. Haha!
It's official. Prom's cancelled. I know Linn's really upset about it. Haiz.
Work starts next week. =s
Close to a month since I left BT. I hope the rest are doing well over there.
I have so many movies I wanna watch. Let me make a list:
1. CJ7 (I think it's ending its run soon...)
2. Juno (I don't know if I'll get to watch this either)
3. The Leap Years (I've been waiting for it since last year!)
4. P.S. I Love You (Bro says it's a sad show, but I still wanna watch it. Else, maybe I'll just get the book)
5. Fool's Gold (Looks decent enough)
Another session of KBox would be nice ;)
I think I spent a lot this month though, and I don't know where it's all going!
Okay, maybe I should just shuttle between work and home and not go anywhere else :(
Dajie, small jie, and xiao mei - we're all employed! :)
Yay Linn, you too!
Oh and cgrts to JH for making it to Innova!
Okay, now I hope work goes
smoothly, even though I only start next Monday.
I got a belt I hope I will use. Thank you Bin for your company even though I called you real late!
Thurs is grampies' 50th wedding anniversary dinner. All grandkids are to wear dresses (for girls) and ties (for guys). Good thing no more qipaos. If not I have to go on a crash-diet. =/ And no 'one-colour-scheme'.
Vair good.
Love my life now. I hope it can only get better =0)
My blog's got a playlist! Woohoo!
It's there. But if you don't see it, please just click on the
empty space under the para I wrote under the heading "MUSIC" on the left side of the blog. Oh, there's more than just one song there okay?! Haha ;)
I found a job. And I'm going to sign some sort of contract tomorrow. :)
Ytd, SOMEONE made me wait an hour......Not exactly mad, AND he made up for it with a dinner treat. So I guess that will do just fine. It was quite hard to see my food in the dark though. Good thing weather was good coz we were sitting at some open area outside. Haha! It's not everyday some guy friend tells me (excitedly) about his new interest. Pretty Interesting. Oh ya, and I told him he can go shake hands with Mrs Soon coz they both were nagging at me on this certain issue, which has been discussed to death. Nonetheless, I'm going to emphasize again that I'm not looking.
Ah! Busy adding new songs to my playlist =) I hope you all like the songs there too!
Just logged in to Friendster (anyone still actively using their accounts?)
Did the links and came to this schoolmate's. She, who gave up, and jumped.
Alright, so I know it's pretty morbid to talk about all these during the festives. But, hearing stuffs like that make you go, "Why?"
Correction - She WAS my classmate (only for CLAW I think). Knew next to nothing about her except that face. I remember a friend complaining that she didn't turn up for the presentation that day; she'd called to say she overslept. She was supposed to turn up another week, but she didn't. And after an exam, in the lift, the tutor told us someone in our cohort committed suicide.
Friend of said person happens to be a new friend I met during internship, and she told me of the night before the unfortunate incident. She couldn't fathom what happened either, and we both had a moment of silence between us as she paused to think of her friend; and me, of a stranger I barely knew.
This year's Valentine's was a bit different.
For starters, it's the Flower Exhibition at Sentosa
early in the morning with dear EVE!
We camwhored throughout; it was DAMN extreme.
Facebook caused an auto shut down again, so I'll have to use my aunt's laptop to upload those
108 pics when no one's using it. It's an alarming HUNDRED AND EIGHT! :x
This takes the cake!

Was feeling goofy. So we decided on that, infront of EVERYONE there. I saw people laughing. Hahaha, and the photographer went, "Great shot! Hahaha..."
Met Linn at Vivo for 27 Dresses and saw _______&_______. I always see them. =z
27 Dresses was pretty enjoyable.
Anyway, we had the seats that were right smack in the middle and we were slightly late. So, we squeezed past a few couples at the side to get in. Ironic right? That the 2 best seats in the row should go to 2 girls on V-day...
And Bin came! And left, not too long after, cuz she still had to work...
Nonetheless, it was nice meeting up with all of them.

I hope everyone had a great VDay! :)
So much has happened since my 1st day of unemployment. I will post up pics soon, when I do have nothing to do at all than to rot in front of my laptop the whole day. (coz' u know how freaking long it takes to upload pics here...)
So for now, bits and pieces:
I saw my bro's NEW gf for the first time, upclose, (the first's first was a mere glance). There was interaction, uh, and she knows about my bro's nasty burping habit. =x
My heels upped a few more centimetres from last CNY, and I'm trying to place less weight on my right foot. >.<
I just logged into Facebook and am keeping my fingers crossed that it won't mess up the system and cause an auto shut-down again.....
I went shopping alone at J8 today. And I called home to ask if they needed me to buy anything.
Me: Hello, do you need anything? I'm at J8.
Aunt: You're at J8? I thought you were at HG?
Me: Ya, but I came here to shop after collecting the cd from my friend mah...
Aunt: With who?
Me: I'm alone lah!
Aunt: ALONE?! You sure? Or you meeting some guy secretly and didn't let us know?
Aunt: You sure?!
Me: Ya..........>.<
Maybe she thought I wouldn't EVER shop alone. Or maybe she thought I kept something from her. There were mixed feelings there; but I did get a little irritated I raised my voice. =x
I saw so manyyyy musical waterballs at Precious Moments and I really liked this cowboy&cowgirl one which plays 'Oh Suzanna'. But I don't know how much it costs.
J8 has so many new shops like Espirit et cetera and EVERYTHING looked pretty. They had this WALL of scarves at 77th St; really tempting.
I went home only with a bowl of 芝麻糊 and 花生糊 for my grandma and aunt.
We had 鱼生 from Sakae Sushi =D vair nice.
Mummy invited her colleagues over, and HE came. I didn't dare set foot into my mum's the whole time they were there. So basically, she did all the serving and hosting ALONE. I only helped pack up. And it was a somewhat awkward handshake and a feeble "happy new year" for both of us. >.<
I just settled the project, proper. Tmr will see us making a few trips up and down. Sucks.
And I'll know how I did for my formal report. :z
Ok, I better go. slp.
I just browsed through supre.com and saw some very nicee stuff.