Wednesday, August 05, 2009

follow my fantasies here at

Primary sch class gathering? I wonder how it'd be like this time. I don't remember seeing more than 10 faces the last time I went. Haha!

More than a month of neglect and I forgot my username and password to my school account. After 3 times of denied access(es), I had to go do a re-set.

Got to get used to sleeping earlier! 11 AUG is coming coming coming. OMG.


Sunday, August 02, 2009

Happy Birthday again Ting and Darl (if you happen to read this!) :)

Ting's birthday celebration was a little unlike the rest I've been to, mainly because of the performances. Haha!
Personally I thought we were cui. Good thing 2 out of the 3 songs were cut short, albeit abruptly.
Ting's medley with her friend was good, though a little too lengthy.

Really glad the calendar's completed- it was like reliving pri-sch days doing projects with HDB models made from milk cartons/ ice cream sticks and trees from green sponge. almost conked out from the last 4 hours we spent on the photos and caption-ing. Darl has the photos :) I want them so thanks in advance! Scrapbooking and card making are for people with lots of spare time and patience. It'll be difficult to get down to doing handiwork when school resumes.

There was a very cute toddler sitting at the table beside ours with this parents at VivoKopitiam where we tied up loose ends for the calendar. I do believe I saw him wink, and subsequently, he would stare and turn away shyly. Happened quite a few times and I was greatly amused. When Darl decided to let him choose which sticker he'd like from the ones we had (because he didn't want the maple leaf cutout we gave him), he took the whole page away. Haha! Got us a little worried because we very nearly had no flower stickers for the calendar. He was very adorable but kept distracting Darl by tapping on her chair.

Aiya, still very confused with the workings of iMac. Or rather, IT as a whole. :/