Friday, September 21, 2007

To: Me

So having lunch alone makes you feel a little out of place, especially when at all the other tables their giggling and talking towers over the grumbling sounds of their stomachs.

But it wasn't that bad right? Not like you'd die.
So it was a little lonely, and quiet, all by yourself at one corner, thinking if the chef sprinkled a bit more salt on your fried seafood rice than you would've liked it.

You half-wished you were invisible and that the waiter didn't throw you that 'huh?' look when you told him you wanted a table for one. But then again, you can't help but be thankful that being alone, there's no need for interaction of any sort; that you could just concentrate on finishing your food and leave. It was an awkwardness of a different kind; different from the one where you had to eat with someone you weren't familiar with. Another kind of silence.

But I survived it. And I was back in the office by 1:10.


At 12:16 AM , Blogger tstar said...

wow, you eat at restaurants during lunch? that's expensive!

hmm, I generally quite like eating alone, actually. the quietness allow me to think about stuff and I enjoy the freedom of doing what I want to do before or after that. It's nice to look around and observe others too. And it's nice to not have that awkwardness b/n acquaintances, though having meals with friends IS nice.


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