Friday, August 24, 2007

post exams

It's been a while.

Done with the papers. BAD, and it'll suffice to say that I'll be praying pretty hard for a pass for all my modules.
There's a little time to rest just before attachment starts.

During this little break, I want to:
-read HP & the Deathly Hallows
-go K!
-watch movies
-catch up with friends over coffee/tea/cakes
-check out routes to the workplace
-lose some weight (cuz I ate lots of junk food while mugging)
-go cycling =)
-read some 柯南 (cuz I'm still at the 13th/14th book and my brother's done with all the 50+ books we have in the collection)
& do all the other things I thought of doing but can't recall now.

Now that there's time to catch up on all the teevee, there's NO desperate housewives, NO honour/passion. Aiights.
I'll need to clear the files and folders on my laptop someday. LAGLAGLAG, and I'm screwed if I really need it for work. I'll promise not to overload you with too many files/folders. You can get that golden handshake once I'm done with school. Hang in there~

I'm 73% Bumblebee.

As an Autobot spy, Bumblebee is the ultimate robot in disguise. What he lacks in size and strength, he makes up for with courage. He enjoys the company of humans and would do anything for his Earthly friends.
Like Bumblebee, you are good by nature. But beware because mischievous thoughts sometimes tempt you. You want to be a leader and show some promise, but you have much to learn. In addition, you stick to the basics and don't need all the encumberances of modern technology.


At 7:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

u said u wanna catch up with friends but nv yue us =( holiday almost over le leh

At 9:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm optimus prime hahahaha.


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