Friday, August 04, 2006

Anna Nalick's BREATHE is on repeat mode on my player.

I especially like "Oh my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles" =)
Don't ask me why, I haven't got an answer to that.

My parents brought me out to Cafe Cartel for dinner today. Smackinlicious.
And, I saw Zhuang lao shi who previously taught me in primary school, and an old friend from my primary school too. If you'd know me well, it wouldn't be surprising that I didn't even go say "hi" =s
I guess I'm thta bit unfriendly sometimes. I told Baoyi about it. She asked me to try nodding my head at that someone. But, uh, I think it'd be weird.

Nevermind about that.

Sunglasses. I don't know what I'll do with it. I'm thinking it'll come in handy for town-ing, but school...? Um, probably not. Probably will sometime, just not now, I think.

Yes, so I do miss something, someone. Was it the company, or is it the person? I'm unsure of it myself too. But either way, nothing will work out. So I really should stop, like just stop this whole nonsense and concentrate on something more realistic and practical.

Shopping anyone? I know the majors are nearing, it's so not the right time to go hunt for shoes and shorts. Should I just do shopping by myself?

I've like had it up to HERE.
Bugged by something almost non-existent. I don't know what it is. I just can't seem to let go of whatever I'm bottling inside.

Snap out of it, stupid grouchy donkey.



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