Sunday, April 02, 2006


Mum (to everyone): Hey, LR has a girlfriend leh! Think he purposely left those neoprints on his table and let us peek at it. But can't really see clearly how she looks like, cos' it's not very clear...
Me: (started laughing like a maddie) REALLY?!
Grandma: (in hokkien) No wonder always come back so late nowadays....
Aunt: Him too?! (shakes head in disapproval)
Mum said my Dad passed a remark that he can't believe that such any girls would even like a sloppy boy like my brother for a boyfriend. Thing is, for those who have seen how the youngest one look like, I can safely say most, if not all, find him quite cute. Cute smile, and lips I've asked to exchange for when I was little. He's witty, not so much academically, but he's got this charm and he's a little like a motor-mouth guy. For one, he can do so much association from just one statement, you'd even give up trying to outtalk him. HE'S JUST THAT FAST WHEN IT COMES TO STUFF LIKE THIS.
Him attached means that this eldest child in the family's the only skipping singleton, which doesn't really bother me. And mum took it that my laughing-out-loud at the matter meant that I'm happy for him. Well, not really, but I'm just greatly amused. Sorry if that seemed kinda stupid, but it just struck me that my brothers are really grown up, that's all. I'm pretty interested to see how long this will last. But frankly, I don't have a good impression of the other brother's gf. =s
Guess any teasing about their respective gf(s) now would make me a idiotic, spinster-would-be sister who's just trying to get a kick out of life making fun of their oh-so-great girlfriends. DAMNIT.


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