Friday, January 26, 2007

the comb and her

My friend's advanced theory test's on her birthday, haha. Happy 19th birthday!

On the bus heading home, there was a group of guys, who talked across to one another though they were all seated a few seats apart. Caught some content, like plans of going to Geylang on "Valentime" (gosh!) I tried to shut them off, but their BIG (and loud!) plans and continuous mispronounciation of the word "Valentine" was really jarring to the ears.

Then there were the 2 girls sitting opposite us. One practically had a comb stuck to her hands, and somehow, subconsciously maybe, she combs her already-very-neat fringe once every few minutes, while talking to her friend sitting beside her. SJ and I had to suppressed laughing out loud and quickly turned our glances somewhere else so it wouldn't seem to obvious that we were looking. BY claimed that she was fiddling with her comb and had it held near her lips too. ODD.

Back at home, everyone seemed to be talking at the top of their voices. I was mildly irritated, slightly more when they were so loud they made American Idol seemed like a mime show I was watching, even though I upped the volume a couple of times.

BY dropped me a testi complimenting me for finishing the drink and fries and for talking more than usual. =s
I had a really heavy lunch yesterday.


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