Saturday, March 24, 2007

I forgot all about my cousin's wedding!

It took place on Tuesday, and I went down to his house straight from school. When I reached, the newlyweds had already left for the bride's house.
So I didn't get to see just how pretty the bride looked with her "very nice" hairdo and makeup. [Mum and gramps kept going on about how good that makeup and hairdo look, and I'm jealous I didn't get to see it.]

Stayed on for a while, not that I did get to see the bride eventually, but because they'd use Mum's car =s

Took my 3-hour nap back home, before going for the wedding dinner. I finally did get to see the wedding photos, and I can't help thinking it all ain't true.
Looking at my cousin, with his wife (now), all decked out in all that gowns/suits, it all seemed a bit weird. My brothers thought so too, "Very weird to see James boy gorgor getting married hor?"

I have this photo taken with James boy gorgor and his siblings when I was about 2/3 years old. They aren't that much older than I am.
Now that 2 out of 3 of them are married, there's this "we're no longer kids anymore" thought coming up again.

When the 4th dish for the night was served, brother said, "Now that he's married, then soon will be Jocelyn jiejie's turn, then mine!"
He said it out so loud and so unabashedly, I wonder how he's going to do that without first getting a girlfriend, and can't help but laugh at this childish ignorance of life and reponsibilities that come with getting MARRIED.


Honestly, I wonder how it'd be like when my turn comes.
Who will it be?
What will it be like?
I think it'd be very odd, awkward even.
To live with someone you haven't known all your life, only in the days (depending on how long it is) you spent together as a dating couple.

Doesn't sound too splendid.

Some growing up indeed.

How? I still feel very much like a kid. Haha!
Some senior once told me to act more like a lady/woman/any 18/19 year old, rather than a "xiao mei".
I was appalled. It just, wasn't nice hearing that.
I was just really shocked, and tongue-tied.

I just got myself a bit confused and disorientated with this entry.


At 11:19 AM , Blogger tstar said...

how can you forget about your cousin's wedding??!

it's normal to feel/think the way you do. I also used to think this way. Now still ok, sort of come to terms with it already. But I feel tat it's better to just be yourself, whether or not you're a xiaomei or a lady. it's alright to feel like a kid now (hey, i still do and i'm like 2 yrs ur senior lor!), enjoy first, next time grow up already, more responsibilities, difficult to enjoy.

eh, how come your brother nv say you marry first then he?

yar you are right on the living with somebody part. It's tough, based on what i've heard.

At 4:56 PM , Blogger yz said...

when I said I forgot, I meant I forgot to blog about it. haha

At 9:11 PM , Blogger tstar said...

orhz! haha... you didn't say properly! i thought you went down to the wedding from school only after you remembered.. haha...


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