Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Baking at WM's today.

Journey to and fro took about 2 hours in total because it's like I-don't-know-how-many mrt stations away.
His room was nice and cosy. We were all in awe when we first stepped into his room, which was vastly different from the living room and the house on the whole. And the computer screens were like ohmigosh.

Messed up his house baking. But luckily it turned out pretty good. Haha, so now, it's the problem of packaging it properly.
So I like ate ALOT today.

And on my way home, got caught in some drizzles here and there. And now I'm not feeling too alright.

And it's like him asking after me and not HIM.
Haha. =.="
Can't really expect much can I?
It's not that I really need a guy who can "carry intellectual convo" with me (as Linn put it), just, well, not really intellectual per say, but just, I don't know... I think I'll know when I come across such people again. Haha, but past encounters were better, up till now.
And as my aunt always say, when you girls choose, don't forget that the guys also choose you. Haha, so are we allowed to be picky still? Maybe, just for a few more years, until I decide one day that if I am still unmarried at a particular age and henceforth face a very real possibility of becoming a spinster, then MAYBE I'll be less picky.


friction in your jeans. when i first saw this on somone's personal msg on msn, I thought it was downright ugh. BUT! I heard it on the radio this morning. Now I know~


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