Wednesday, October 12, 2005

just a quick one before i go off.
last night, i went for this, um, annual vegetarian dinner, alongside hundred others. As usual, the mock meat dishes and what-have-you-not(s). Mainly, 8 days of 'flour-ry' meal before yester night's.
the air was filled with the smell of burning incense (cuz it was part of custom that we had to pray, before the dinner)
there were also people bidding for those incense holders (supposedly to bring good luck and prosperity to successful bidders)
i'm giving a really vague account here. interested, head down to the place on the 8th of the lunar 9th month. (that sounded wrong gramatically... haha)

and i saw my nephew. he's really hyper, and kinda 'money-faced'... lol~ a kiss for 10 bucks. [not bad for starters]

and my cousin, this really handsome boy. he's put on a bit of weight recently, and i find him looking more and more like my youngest brother when he was little. haha.
anyway, it's interesting how he seems to be extra friendly towards me recently. probably due to the fact that i don't tag along during visits to my paternal grandparents. that big smile on his face, i've never really seen that before. if my memory doesn't fail me, he ain't that amiable previously. he used to pinch and kick me. darn boy. ah wells~ i shan't harp upon it. and he's got dimples. haha~

ohs, and i got myself like 5 more roses. my aunt bought them for 2 bucks per stalk as donation towards the TTSH patient fund or sth. i've already got a pink one before from last year's event. the 5 new ones shall be twined alongside the old one, on my window =))

i just love roses. don't you? =D


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