Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Yesterday's new paper was one interesting read. 3 articles caught my eye in particular:

1. Hmmm, how about a date with my ex?

Plenty of women stay friends with their ex-boyfriends long after their relationships have run their course. I'm not one of them.
The only ex with whom I've maintained some semblance of friendship with is Joe, the first boy I dated when I was 14.
I don't know why I'm not a let's-remain-friends kind of girl. Perhaps it's because some of my "formers" are stark reminders of my ability to make terrible choices. To wit, one ex actually thinks the reason we are not friends is that I still hold a candle for him. I don't have the heart to tell the poor sod that he annoys me every time he so much as opens his mouth. So I smile and nod, and tell him to go away.
Hence, I was a tad surprised last week, when my friend Jean announced that she was setting up her ex-boyfriend, Gerald, with her colleague, Anne.
What a horribly dangerous idea, I thought.
But Jean was optimistic. After all, in the last eight months, she had successfully set up two other "formers" with women she thought would be perfect for them.
If someone had asked me a few months ago, I would have said that pimping your exes to friends and strangers is, at best, questionable, and, at worst, like secretly lacing their morning coffee with rat poison.
But a few days after his date, Gerald told me Anne was almost perfect for him.
It turns out that Anne, like Gerald, is a Star Trek fan; she hates small dogs, and love weekends in with her X-box. In other words, Gerald found in Jean a female version of himself.
I suppose I have to concede that what makes our erstwhile partners such natural matchmakers is that they know us in a way no-one else does.
And given that the oft-sung song among single women today is that there are simply no good men left in this country, I suppose recycling is a resonable way to expand the supply of proverbial fish in our very small sea.
Like ex-girlfriends, our ex-boyfriends are flawed, but at least they are road-tested.
More importantly, by recommending our Mr Almost Right as Mr Could Be Right to friends we hold dear, we are unwittingly admitting that our old boyfriends are more than the sum of our problems.
And so I decided to look Joe up to see if I could get in on the ex-pimping-ex action. Joe seemed pleased to hear my voice. We talked about our work and what our old friends were up to, and when I finally plucked up the courage, I cut to the chase: " So Joe, you seeing anyone lately?"
"Funny you should ask," he replied. "I recently hooked up with Trish."
Trish, incidentally, was one of my best pals in secondary school. We agreed on everything except Joe. According to Trish, Joe was a "no good punk who will break you heart."
"Just you watch," she used to say, "that boy's nothing but bad news."
I jested with Joe about Trish's one-time disdain for him. And he laughed, agreeing that they are the most unlikely of partners.
"So how did it happen?" I eventually asked.
"One of my ex-girlfriends set us up," he replied. "Do you remember Jean?"
-Annette Tan-

Interesting, don't you think? People hooking up their exes with their pals. And, what a small world this is...

2. Katie Leung, 17, will be playing Cho Chang, Harry's first girlfriend. Few have met her, yet 'I Hate Katie Leung' websites have sprung up all over the Internet.

It must be cool playing beside Daniel Radcliffe. Imagine looking into those deep blue eyes... getting kinda envious don't you girls? :D Some people have all the luck, but let's all hope we don't see eggs and what-nots splattered against the big screen when the fourth instalment of Harry Potter comes into town!

3. The New Paper went on a manhunt to track down Singapore's Mr Fixits. (Think Jesse Metcalfe, THE GARDENER, and James Denton, THE PLUMBER, of Desperate Housewives.)

Unfortunately, if any standards were to go by it, I'd say none of our Mr Fixits make the cut. Yeah, only Gabrielle (Eva Longoria) and Susan ( Teri Hatcher) get to live out every woman's fantasies in reel life. So, stay tuned to Desperate if you can't get enough of the 2 Js.... :)


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