Thursday, March 17, 2005

i thoroughly hate it, knowing that YOU've moved on... and I haven't. I'm acting dumb and stupid. I'm ALWAYS like this... I look forward to things, stuff, events, only to find that all these aren't really what I wanted.
I hope school starts soon, then I won't have too much free time on my hands to let my mind wander...

Time's ticking away, v-e-r-y s--l--o--w--l--y... I've rested long's really been a LoOooOoOoNnNnNnnGgGggG holiday for me. I know the coconut up there (points to head) is getting soggy/mouldy. I'd never wish for it to be any worse. It's evident : my language is terribly horrendous, so is my playing. I daren't even touch the sticks now, coz' any attempt at rolling would be deemed futile. My rolling now would be on par with Yeling's first attempt, which she endearingly refers to as the sounds of an "ice cream seller's bell" *bleahz*

Saw Martian at HG Mall the day before, with Aunty Agnus and someone else who looked like Martian's mum. He seemed sort of surprised that I was there having lunch...haha...and threw me an awkward "hello smile". I hope I didn't like scared him that day, coz' I'm quite sure I appeared aloof and unapproachable... *oops* maybe he decided that he wouldn't call me along for another part-timers' outing thereafter? lolz~

Do I have any excuses to fend for myself? Nahz~ don't think so. FYI, I didn't wish for it to be that way... anyone who's known me long enough should know- i'm like that. Now, that's a good excuse for skipping the piano workshop! I wasn't ready to have to spend 4 hours with people I didn't know... :D

But guess I can't do the same for the recital...the piece's really killing me! Scarlet from "Ayashi no Ceres"... can i opt for Tian Hei Hei by SYZ instead? (FYI: SYZ here doesn't refer to me) :)

Anyway, I know it's the hols now. Any kind hearted soul would like to make a trip down to Esplanade with me? I wouldn't want to waste the 21 bucks I paid for the premium service membership for my library card...

Happy holidays folks!


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