Sunday, December 11, 2005

i'd wanted to go watch the gig, too bad the master class was prolonged by another 2 hours, which isn't all that bad too.
but at the end of it all, i got so stoned and tired, my mind had lost all functions of processing and thinking. too tired to even say anything. when it came to my turn, i was half switched off already. and i needed so much prompting for an answer that, in the end, didn't come out from my mouth too.....
frankly, every meeting and rehearsal i go to never fails to show how much room there is for improvement. DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS. so much to work on! why is it always that i do better during lesson time at AMK just before the actual rehearsal? and then i just go all wobbly and weird during rehearsal.
once at inspiration, it was the laughing fit that just wouldn't stop. and today, i just felt that the keys were "soft". i couldn't make out the forte from the piano, let alone all the staccatos etc. irritated and disappointed.
and why do i accelerate like a car with no brakes when i get nervous? when will i ever learn to calm those nerves?! infuriating!
it's barely 3 months to the concert.... =s shucks.


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